Intro to Planers and Jointers - $20

08/11/2020 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM PT


Planers and Jointers are fundamental to any custom woodworking project, but they are also handy to the DIY'er too. From flooring projects to milling rough sawn lumber, and just about any work that requires your materials to be accurate and smooth, these tools are a must to ensure longevity and the professional look of a well-made project.

Join us virtually for a live, Zoom presentation on how to transform salvaged or rough-sawn lumber into finished material that's square, flat, and ready for a furniture or craft project. Class will focus on reclaimed lumber, but the skills and processes apply to new materials as well.

Skill level: A great next step for folks who have taken an Intro to Carpentry class (or equivalent) and want to tackle finer woodworking.

Skills & info covered:
* selecting wood (grain, knots, cracks, and other qualities)
* dealing with defects
* how to "dress" and "surface" four square faces 
* achieving uniform thickness & width
* Q&A - why flat and square is important

Registration will close at 6:00pm the day before the seminar.
Cost: $20


How do I join this class? Registrants will receive a link to a private Zoom webinar via email 24 hours before class begins. Simply click the link to register and then open the confirmation email to join the webinar. This is on the honors system--please do not share your link with others.

What do I need to do/bring to virtual class? Please ensure that you have a good wifi connection and are set up in a quiet location. Students should also mute themselves and may also turn their camera off if they wish. Please note: your class may be recorded for future Rebuilding Center training or education.

How do I ask questions if I'm on mute? Please submit your questions through the "Chat" feature in your video call. Our instructor(s) will do their best to address each of them (time permitting).