Leaky Faucet Repair Seminar - $20

08/04/2020 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM PT


Does your faucet have a slow drip? Does water pool up at your faucet's base? Are leaks coming from somewhere under your sink? 

Join us virtually for a live presentation of the best ways to fix those pesky leaks in your bathroom faucet. Learn to fix common faucet-related problems without having to hire a plumber. We'll cover repair tips as well as replacement of bathroom sink faucets and water supply hoses. Please note: Kitchen faucets, while similar, will not be covered in this class.

Whether you're a homeowner, renter, or remodeler, be ready to learn some great DIY ins-and-outs that will add skills to your tool belt, save water, and save you money! Presentation begins promptly, followed by Q&A. Water-saving informational handouts for each student are generously provided by the Portland Water Bureau, and will be emailed after class.

Registration will close at 6:00pm the day before the seminar.
Cost: $20


How do I join this class? Registrants will receive a link to a private Zoom webinar via email 24 hours before class begins. Simply click the link to register and then open the confirmation email to join the webinar. This is on the honors system--please do not share your link with others.

What do I need to do/bring to virtual class? Please ensure that you have a good wifi connection and are set up in a quiet location. Students should also mute themselves and may also turn their camera off if they wish. Please note: your class may be recorded for future Rebuilding Center training or education.

How do I ask questions if I'm on mute? Please submit your questions through the "Chat" feature in your video call. Our instructor(s) will do their best to address each of them (time permitting).